by Myles | Feb 27, 2019 | Major Arcana, Tarot
The Daughter of the Mighty Ones – Planetary Trump of Venus – Alchemical Salt – Hebrew Letter: Daleth (Door)
This is the Harmony of the Universe, that Love
unites the Will to create with the Under-
standing of that Creation: understand thou
thine own Will!
Love and let love. Rejoice in every shape of
love, and get thy rapture and thy nourishment
by Myles | Feb 26, 2019 | Major Arcana, Tarot
The Priestess of the Silver Star – Planetary Trump of the Moon – Alchemical Mercury – Hebrew Letter: Gimel (Camel)
Purity is to live only to the Highest; and the
Highest is All; be thou as Artemis to Pan.
Read thou in the Book of the Law, and break
through the veil of the Virgin.
by Myles | Feb 26, 2019 | Major Arcana, Tarot
The Magus of Power : Planetary Trump of Mercury : Hebrew Letter: Beth (House)
The True Self is the meaning of the True Will:
know Thyself through Thy Way.
Calculate well the Formula of Thy Way.
Create freely; absorb joyously; divide intently;
consolidate completely.
Work thou, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, in and for Eternity.
by Myles | Feb 22, 2019 | Major Arcana, Tarot
The Spirit of the Æther : Elemental Trump of Air : Hebrew Letter: Aleph (ox)
Know Naught!
All ways are lawful to innocence.
Pure folly is the Key to Initiation.
Silence breaks into Rapture.
Be neither man nor woman, but both in one.
Be silent, Babe in the Egg of Blue, that thou
mayest grow to bear the Lance and Graal!
Wander alone, and sing! In the King’s palace
his daughter awaits thee.
by Myles | Feb 21, 2019 | Tarot, The Fool's Journey
The Fool has his health, peace of mind and a graceful composure. What more could he need? On everyday terms, not much, but the Fool is courageous and continues to pursue the deepest levels of his being. He soon comes face to face with the Devil (15).
by Myles | Feb 20, 2019 | Tarot, The Fool's Journey
The Fool now looks back over his life to trace the cause and effect relationships that have brought him to this point. He takes responsibility for his past actions so he can make amends and ensure a more honest course for the future. The demands of Justice (8) must be served so that he can wipe the slate clean.