by Myles | Feb 20, 2019 | Tarot, The Fool's Journey
The Fool now looks back over his life to trace the cause and effect relationships that have brought him to this point. He takes responsibility for his past actions so he can make amends and ensure a more honest course for the future. The demands of Justice (8) must be served so that he can wipe the slate clean.
by Myles | Feb 20, 2019 | Tarot, The Fool's Journey
On setting out, the Fool immediately encounters the Magus/Magician (1) and the High Priestess (2) – the great balancing forces that make up the perceived world. It is a feature of the material universe that as soon as we name some aspect of experience, we automatically evoke its opposite.
by Myles | Feb 20, 2019 | Tarot
The Major Arcana in order.