The Queens

The Queens represent the letter Heh of the Name. They are the complements of the Knights (Kings). They receive, ferment, and transmit the original Energy of their Knight (King). Quick to receive that Energy, they are also fitted to endure for the period of their function; but they are not the final product. They represent the second stage in the process of creation whose fourth and last state is material realization. They are represented as seated upon thrones. This emphasizes the fact that they are appointed to exercise definite functions. – Aleister Crowley

A Queen is mature and feminine. She embodies the qualities of her suit, rather than acting them out. Her focus is inward, and her style, relaxed and natural. A Queen is less concerned with results than with the enjoyment of just being in the world. She is associated with feelings, relationships and self-expression. Joan Bunning

Queen of Wands

Queen of Cups

Queen of Swords

Queen of Pentacles